If tomatoes are a fruit why do we never find them in fruit salad?
Is it predjudice?
Is there an unstated caste system?
If so who are the Brahmins and are who are the untouchables?
Do tomatoes not mix well? Is it a social skills issue?
Or are they simply inclined to dress in bad raste? All that showy red and sometimes even teamed with a jaundiced yellow or sickly green.
Instead they choose to mix with the vegetables - carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, even potatoes - all in all a none too classy lot.
I guess it all comes down to nature versus nurture. In this case both. Brought up in the vege patch with beans and radishes, cabbages and brocolli as playmates and role models, they have just never learnt how to behave in the sophisticated manner of the citrus family and don't get invited to the fruit salad gatherings.
And speaking of strange flavours - in Lisbon, Portugal I discovered Eucalyptus Gelati in the ice creamery but was too afraid to try it. My memory of Eucalyptus Oil as a burning antiseptic was too strong.
This is in response to the Magpie Tales weekly writing prompt Click on the image for more responses from writers across the globe.
This was very clever, indeed, such ponderous thoughts. The Brahmin's probably thought better then to mingle with the deadly night shade family. Eucalyptus Gelati now that is something you can sink your teeth in and use as a mouth at the same time... Have you tried it?
The things we have available to ponder ~~ fascinating! I really enjoyed reading your Magpie.
Cleverly done - the distinction between fruit and vegetable was clearly, cleanly and craftily written!
Great and different take on prompt...enjoyed the read...I think I would probably pass on the Eucalyptus Gelati myself....bkm
very creative!! I like it!
good magpie
You've raised and answered questions of veggie vs. fruit, and in whose salad the tomato shall reside.
Very witty and funny. Great Magpie!
Oh, those snobby tomatoes! Really witty, Steve. A fun read!
Well you know Steve, those tomatoes can be acidic at the best of times. And oh - a salty personality!
well put.
loved the questions or explorations on tomato itself...
beautiful post!
a carrot could go with a cantalope
and an onion tastes well with a grape
the celery can two step with oranges
but no fruit will sashay with a tomato
Why is that? Clever magpie.
My, certainly a classy take on the magpie!
Enjoyed it tremendously...
Hahahahaha - this sounds like a conversation at my house. Those riff raff vegetables shouldn't try to Lordy it up with the real fruit. Very clever.
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