They're all hard. This one took me by surprise, not the least because Willow intimated that it was going to be an easier Magpie. Not for me. Frustrated I decided to go down a new track. I began with word association - first phrases that came into my head. Then a bit of editing. This is where I got to.
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Jaundiced Nightmare
i am flying over fields of sunshine
rippling glowing dazzling
splash me
blind me
i turn turtle
belly towards the blue sky
then hurtling
towards a jaundiced horizon.
golden glow heralds
vacant days stretching
into black nights
I am done with hope and
knowledge and optimism.
I yearn for dark recesses
to rest my uncomfortable quest.
there could be meaning
in splashes of red or green
but glorious sunfilled fields
hold nothing but mirages
of false gods and seductive impossibilities
still these fucking daffodils
keep me from sleep
final sleep
they are my siren.
I am in a yellow hell.