I haven't posted anything in quite a while. I thought maybe I was over blogging but here I am.
I've been flat out getting on top of a few major projects which I've picked up now that I'm retired. Strange I am busier, having more fun and earning less.
My three projectes are;
1. Writing my novel. It's progressing one word at a time and I have moved the characters through Barcelona and onto a sailing vessel bound for Nouvelle France - their paradise in the Pacific. Remember all this is based on fact. My great grandfather. Anyway they've travelled through the Suez Canal and are anchored at Aden as we speak (it's July 1880) and it s summer and the infants are dying from a summer form of infant cholera - Cholera infantum. I knew nothing about the details of this voyage when I began. It's fascinating. More about that in another post.
2. I have taken on developing a permanent display at the New Italy Museum which trys to capture the history of the said great grandfather, Lorenzo and his blended famly. I was going to say two wives but he only had one at a time. He and his second wife Maria (their respective spouses had both died on the voyage to Nouvelle France) brought up 10 children - three of hers and two of his from Italy, then five more born in Australia. That's ten lines of descendants. It's been a fascinating journey. At times my head hurts. The Display will be launched on April 13. My brother and a range of family members have been assisting with information and photos. My nephew, Adam, has designing the display. It was sent to the printers yesterday. Photos included.
3. I am preparing another West End (Brisbane) walking booklet exposing and
exploring local history. This one focuses on the Brisbane River and its
relationship with the community between the West End Ferry and the
iconic local parkland at Davies Park. This is due for completion mid